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Fully managed DevOps platform to deploy your code and open-source software

No more DevOps. Deploy on any cloud or on-premise. Scalable & Secure. CI/CD Pipelines.




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Trusted by thousands of companies including

Docker Verified Partner badge

350+ softwares

Deploy any one of over 350+ supported softwares on a dedicated instance in less than 3 minutes. You can relax knowing that we are taking care of installation, configuration, encryption, backups, software & OS updates, live monitoring…and more!

Start using open-source software in minutes

We deploy and manage open-source software to your cloud provider of choice.

Fast deployments

Select an open-source software and start using it in under 5 minutes.

No vendor lock-in

You can migrate your software and data to any cloud providers any time you want. With Elestio you are totally free and in control.

Predictable pricing

A guaranteed monthly price covers everything: compute, storage, bandwidth, updates, security & maintenance.

Automated Updates

Let's save your business a lot of hassle, whilst ensuring that you get the performance and security benefits of regularly updated software and systems.

Dedicated Hardware

We deliver all services on dedicated virtual machines: you get full access to the underlying resources and kernel-level security.

Encrypted Everything

All connections between your computer, the dashboard and your services are encrypted end-to-end with TLS.

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Enable CICD on your projects

Use our fully managed CI/CD system to deploy your applications and backend services to your favorite cloud provider.

Automated deployments easier than ever

Go from source code to production with CI/CD Pipelines. We support Github, Gitlab & docker registries as source. Pipelines can be deployed on any cloud, even on-premise. We support ANY linux tech stack and we provide samples for the most popular stacks & frameworks (90+ Apps & Frameworks).

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Automated build & deploy

Build and deploy automatically on every push to your GitHub/GitLab or docker registries.

Full isolation or Shared infrastructure

You can decide to deploy pipelines in full isolation mode or deploy several to the same target.

Nearly instant migration

Migrates your pipelines between datacenters & providers. No preparation needed, just click!


Everything you need to monitor, secure, debug & re-configure your pipelines. Live metrics & Logs, SSH, File explorer, VS Code and more

Automated Backups

Daily and hourly backups are stored in any S3 compatible provider. No lock-in!

Vertical & Horizontal scaling

You can scale with a load balancer and clustered infrastructure up to 32CPU/128GB Ram per node.

Manage your resources with our API and Terraform

Everything you can do in the dashboard can be done with our API and our Terraform provider. Making it simple to automate your infrastructure and integrate Elestio with your existing tools.

API Documentation
Terraform demo

with Terraform

Designed for developers & enterprises

We have developed a custom Terraform Provider to give you the ability to deploy your Elestio services in a few lines of code.

Learn more about Terraform

Security & Compliance

Ensuring Compliance and Security Standards

We ensures robust security and compliance practices by engaging third-party auditors to assess our systems, guaranteeing adherence to industry standards and providing peace of mind to our customers.

Learn more about security and compliance
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Elestio Users Testimonials

Discover why our users choose our platform to deploy their instances!

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Join our Community on Discord

The channel is open for all. Chat with the Elestio team about open-source softwares, DevOps and hosting on Discord.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some most commonly asked questions

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