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Etherpad comes packed with features designed to enhance collaborative efforts. Real-time editing, chat functionality, and extensive plugin support vastly improve productivity and user interaction within documents.

Real-time Collaboration

Enables multiple users to edit the same document simultaneously, with changes reflected instantly to all participants.

Version History

Allows users to view past versions of a document, track changes over time, and revert to any previous state if needed.

Chat Functionality

Integrated chat box for real-time communication between collaborators without the need for third-party messaging services.

Customizable User Interface

Offers the ability to personalize the editing environment with themes, and layout options to suit user preferences.

Extensive Plugin System

Supports an array of plugins that extend functionality, add new features, and integrate with other services.

Authorship Colors

Distinguishes each user's contributions with different colors, making it easy to identify who has written what within the document.

Import/Export Options

Provides the ability to import and export documents in various formats enabling easy sharing and external usage.

Access Control

Controls who can view or edit each document with fine-grained permissions settings.