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GrowthBook is a tool for managing growth by tracking and analyzing data. GrowthBook allows easy measurement of the success of feature and product launches without relying heavily on data or engineering resources. It is a modular platform adaptable to preferences, serving as a full-stack experimentation tool, a feature flagging solution for engineering, or an analysis engine for data teams.


On your first visit to the site, you will be presented with the login/signup screen.

GrowthBook Login screen

When your instance is first created, an account is created for you with the email you chose. You can get the password for this account by going to your Elestio dashboard and clicking on the "Show Password" button.

Enter your email, name and password and click the "Login" button

Creating Project

Project is a specific initiative or goal that you are working on. It represents a collection of features, experiments, data sources, metrics, and other components that are related to a specific objective. Projects in GrowthBook allow you to organize and manage your growth experiments and track their progress. You can create new projects by clicking on the "Create Project > Submit" button.

GrowthBook Creating Project screen

Creating Feature

Feature represents a specific functionality or component that you are working on. It can be a new feature, an improvement to an existing feature, or a bug fix. Features in GrowthBook allow you to organize and track the progress of your development work. You can create and manage features within a project, and associate experiments, data sources, metrics, and other components with each feature. You can create new features by clicking on the "Create Feature > Create" button.

GrowthBook Creating Feature screen

Creating New Experiment

Experiment refers to a specific test or trial that you conduct to gather data and insights about a particular feature or functionality. It allows you to compare different variations of a feature or design to determine which one performs better in terms of user engagement, conversion rates, or other metrics. You can create new experiments by clicking on the "New Experiment > Next" button.

GrowthBook Creating Experiment screen

Adding Data Source

Data source is a specific data repository or system that provides the necessary data for your growth experiments and analysis. It could be a database, an API, a third-party tool, or any other source that contains relevant data for your project. By connecting and integrating data sources into GrowthBook, you can easily access and analyze the data needed to make informed decisions and track the performance of your experiments.

GrowthBook Adding Data Source screen

Adding New Metric

Metric refers to a specific measurement or key performance indicator (KPI) that is used to track the performance and success of your growth experiments. It helps you quantify the impact and effectiveness of your features, experiments, and overall project goals. Metrics can include user engagement, conversion rates, revenue, etc. By defining and monitoring metrics, you can make data driven decisions and optimize your experiments for better results. You can add new metrics by clicking on the "Metric > New Metric" button.

GrowthBook Adding Metric screen

Adding New Idea

Idea is a proposal for a new feature or improvement. It is a way to capture and document potential ideas for your project. The Idea screen in GrowthBook allows you to create and manage ideas, track their progress, and collaborate with team members. It provides a centralized location to brainstorm and prioritize ideas before they are turned into actual features or experiments. You can create new ideas by clicking on the Ideas section and providing with basic info, query and behavior settings.

GrowthBook Creating Idea screen

Creating Key

Key iso a unique identifier or access token that is used to authenticate and authorize API requests. It acts as a security measure to ensure that only authorized users or applications can access and interact with the GrowthBook API. The key is generated and provided to users when they create an account or project in GrowthBook. It is important to keep the key confidential and secure to prevent unauthorized access to your GrowthBook data and experiments. You can create new keys by clicking on the "Key > Create Key" button.

GrowthBook Creating Key screen

Creating New Webhooks

Webhooks in GrowthBook are a way to receive real-time notifications or data updates from external systems or services. They allow you to automate workflows and integrate GrowthBook with other tools or platforms. By configuring webhooks, you can specify a URL endpoint where GrowthBook will send HTTP POST requests containing relevant data whenever a specific event or action occurs. This enables you to react to events in real-time and perform custom actions or trigger processes based on the received data. You can create new webhooks by clicking on the "Webhooks > Create Webhook" button.

GrowthBook Creating Webhooks screen

Inviting Member

Member is a user or team member who has access to the GrowthBook platform and is part of a specific project or organization. Members can have different roles and permissions, allowing them to collaborate, contribute, and manage growth experiments and projects. They can view and interact with features, experiments, data sources, metrics, and other components within the project. The Member screen in GrowthBook provides a centralized location to manage and configure member settings, roles, and access levels. You can invite new members by clicking on the "Member > Invite Member" button.

GrowthBook Inviting Member screen