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Imagor offers a feature-rich toolkit for developers and businesses in need of dynamic image manipulation. Its array of features are optimized for fast response times and ease of integration with existing systems.

On-the-fly Image Processing

Effortlessly resize, crop, and transform images dynamically based on user requests, reducing the need for pre-stored multiple image sizes.

Docker Compatibility

Imagor is dockerized for easy deployment, scaling, and management, fitting seamlessly into containerized architectures.

Format Conversion

Convert images across different formats such as JPEG, PNG, WebP, and more, ensuring compatibility and optimization for various use cases.

Smart Cropping

Utilize smart cropping to maintain the focal point of images, enhancing the visual impact without manual adjustments.


Improve performance with built-in caching mechanisms, reducing load times and server strain for frequently requested images.

Security Features

Secure your image processing with features like signed URLs to prevent unauthorized access and tampering with image delivery.