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OpenResty leverages the high performance of NGINX and the flexibility of Lua scripting to offer a range of features that cater to dynamic web applications and services.

High Performance

Inherits the speed and efficiency of NGINX, making it suitable for high-traffic web applications.

Scalable and Reliable

Designed to handle a large number of concurrent connections, offering reliable performance under load.

Extensible with Lua

LuaJIT scripting allows for custom module development and on-the-fly tweaking of web server behavior without performance loss.

Asynchronous I/O

Supports non-blocking I/O for network, disk, and database operations, enabling highly responsive services.

Extensive Ecosystem

A broad range of Lua modules and third-party libraries are available, enhancing functionality and development workflow.

Active Community

Backed by a vibrant community of developers and contributors who continuously improve and expand the platform.