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Typesense comes with a host of powerful features aimed at providing an exceptional search experience. Below is a list of its key functionalities that stand out in this lightning-fast search engine.


Automatically handles typographical errors ensuring users always find the results they're looking for, even when they misspell terms.

Instant Search

Delivers search results at lightning speeds, offering instant feedback as users type their queries.

Fuzzy Search

Supports fuzzy matching to provide relevant results despite minor errors or differences in the search query.

Faceted Search

Allows users to drill down using various filters, making it easy to navigate through search results and refine their queries.

Geo-Distance Sorting

Lets users sort their search results based on geographical distance, enhancing the search experience for location-based queries.

Highly Scalable

Designed to scale with your application's needs, ensuring search performance is maintained as your dataset grows.

Easy to Integrate

Provides a straightforward RESTful API, making it a breeze for developers to integrate Typesense into any web or mobile application.