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Ackee boasts a range of features that prioritize both functionality and user privacy. Its intuitive interface presents clear and concise metrics, while respecting the privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA.


Keeps user data on your own servers, granting full control over data management and security.


Does not track users extensively and supports anonymization to comply with global privacy regulations.

Real-Time Analytics

Monitors visitor data in real-time, allowing instant insight into user interactions on your site.

Event Tracking

Provides event tracking to analyze custom user interactions and improve user experience.

Modern Dashboard

Features a clean, modern dashboard that simplifies the interpretation of data.

Responsive Design

Built with a responsive design, ensuring that it works smoothly on different devices.

API-First Architecture

Offers an API-first approach that makes it easy to integrate with other services or extend its capabilities.

No Cookies Required

Tracks users without the need for cookies, thus eliminating the dependence on user consent for cookie usage.