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ArchiveBox comes with a range of features that make it easy and efficient to archive web content for future reference. Below are some of the main capabilities that make it a versatile tool for personal and professional archiving needs.

Comprehensive Archiving

Supports various media types and file formats, ensuring a thorough capture of the website content.

Command Line Interface

Offers a user-friendly CLI for easy navigation and operation of the archiving process.

Browser Integration

Provides browser extensions for quick and seamless archiving directly from your web browser.

Scheduled Archiving

Allows users to set up automatic archiving on a custom schedule to keep saved content up to date.


Efficiently manages storage with deduplication, preventing multiple copies of the same content.

Searchable Interface

Features a searchable interface to easily locate and access archived items.

Metadata Extraction

Extracts and stores metadata for each archived item, enhancing organization and retrieval.

Export and Import

Provides options to export your archives for sharing or backup, and import existing collections or bookmarks.