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Centrifugo comes packed with features aimed at providing a robust solution for real-time messaging needs. Its capabilities are designed to be flexible, scalable, and secure, with an easy-to-use API and various integration options.

Real-time Messaging

Facilitates real-time bi-directional communication between servers and clients, as well as client to client.

Scalable Architecture

Designed to scale horizontally, it can handle millions of simultaneous connections with low latency.


Easily integrable with any technology stack, meaning you can use it with your preferred backend language and framework.

Supports Multiple Transports

Supports WebSockets, SockJS, EventSource (SSE), and HTTP-streaming transports for maximizing compatibility and performance.

Presence Information

Keep track of online users with presence channels, showing who is online in real time.

Message History

Provides message history so clients can catch up with messages that were published while they were offline.

Client-Side SDKs

Offers various client-side SDKs making it easy for developers to integrate with different platforms and languages.