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Jupyter Notebook offers an interactive computing environment where scientists, analysts, and developers can perform data analysis in real-time. Its features facilitate the creation of dynamic reports and presentations that combine code execution with rich text elements.

Interactive Computing

Provides an interactive environment with support for multiple programming languages, allowing users to write and run code in an extensive, exploratory fashion.

Live Code Execution

Enables users to execute code snippets within the notebook, see the results and make iterative changes for immediate feedback.

Data Visualization

Supports various libraries to embed graphs, charts, and other visualizations in the notebook, making data more comprehensible and insights clear.

Markdown Integration

Allows inclusion of rich text elements such as equations, images, and formatted text along with the code to create comprehensive documentation.

Code Sharing and Collaboration

Easy sharing of notebooks for collaboration, allowing others to view and run the notebook documents to reproduce the results and understand the analysis process.

Extension Ecosystem

Supports a wide array of extensions that add additional features such as version control, code folding, and enhanced security.

Kernel Support

Works with various kernels, enabling notebooks to run code from different programming languages like Python, R, and Julia.