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OpenSearch offers a multitude of features that cater to various search and analytics requirements. These features are built to offer powerful full-text search, complex analytics, and scalability out-of-the-box for large applications.

Full-Text Search

Provides advanced full-text search capabilities that are extensively customizable and support a variety of languages.

Real-Time Analytics

Delivers the power to perform real-time analysis of big data with an easy-to-use query DSL.


Effortlessly scales horizontally to handle large volumes of data and traffic while maintaining fast search responses.

Rich Data Visualization

Comes with a visual interface for data exploration and visualization that simplifies the understanding of complex datasets.

Distributed Nature

Designed to function in a distributed environment where it can provide resilience and fault tolerance through data replication.


Offers a comprehensive RESTful API for easy communication with the search cluster.


Built-in advanced security features, providing encryption, authentication, authorization, and audit logging capabilities.