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OpenSlides comes with a robust set of features tailored to optimize the efficiency of meetings and collaborative events. Its capabilities range from comprehensive agenda-setting to live voting, ensuring a smooth and democratic process.

Intuitive Agenda Management

Facilitate the creation, visualization, and modification of agendas with ease, ensuring all participants are informed and on track.

Interactive Motion and Amendment Support

Allow participants to submit motions and amendments directly within the platform, fostering active engagement and streamlined discussions.

Live Voting and Elections

Conduct secure and anonymous voting, with instant results to drive efficient decision-making during meetings.

Document Management

Centrally manage meeting documents, providing attendees with easy access to essential information and materials.

Real-time Messaging and Chat

Promote communication and collaboration among participants with integrated messaging and discussion features.

Customizable Access Permissions

Maintain control over your meeting's confidentiality with granular access permissions for different user roles.

Multi-Language Support

Extend your reach by engaging participants with multi-language support, allowing for a more inclusive environment.