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Portainer encompasses a rich set of features tailored to enhance the user experience in managing containerized environments. From intuitive dashboards to comprehensive orchestration tool integration, Portainer ensures ease of use for both novices and experienced users alike.

Easy Deployment

Quickly deploy containerized applications with an intuitive interface and step-by-step wizards.

Multi-Orchestration Support

Seamlessly manage containers across Docker, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Azure ACI.

User Access Control

Assign user roles and permissions for secure access to container environments.

Service Scalability

Efficiently scale services up or down directly from the Portainer UI based on demand.

Application Templating

Deploy applications quickly with pre-designed templates or create custom ones for repetitive deployments.

Monitoring and Logging

Monitor the health and performance of containers and capture logs for troubleshooting.

Edge Compute Features

Manage Edge IoT and Edge Computing environments efficiently through Portainer's Edge Compute features.