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Shlink comes with an array of impressive features tailored for both individuals and businesses. These functionalities enhance the link shortening process while affording you detailed analytics and control over your URLs.

Customizable Short URLs

Create short and easy-to-remember URLs with custom slugs that reflect your brand or message.

Detailed Analytics

Track your URLs and gain insights with detailed analytics including geographic data, referral sources, and click-through rates.

QR Code Generation

Easily generate QR codes for your short links, perfect for print media, events, and quick sharing.

Robust API

Leverage Shlink's robust API to integrate URL shortening into your web applications or services seamlessly.


Respect user privacy with Shlink's no-tracking policy while still obtaining useful summarized information.

Multi-Domain Support

Manage multiple domains and their short links within a single Shlink installation.

Scheduled Link Expiration

Set expiration dates for your links to auto-expire after a certain date or number of clicks.